Monday, February 24, 2020

Can the effect of engineering on poverty be measured Essay

Can the effect of engineering on poverty be measured - Essay Example It is projected that 20.5% of the globe’s population is living below the poverty line as these groups’ income is less than $1 dollar per day. Among the most favourable types of achieving revenue for all in the supply chain in the manufacturing of products that enhance the earning capacity of those people who are living in acute poverty, products like coconut oil presses, water drip irrigation and treadle pumps have ushered millions of dollars in revenue for poverty tormented nations and assisted over 12 million poor people to free themselves from the poverty. The aim of this research paper is to illustrate poverty eradication for those ensnarled in poverty with the capability to come over from it permanently and for this, sustainable development is required. However, sustainability is an intricate feature that encompasses social, economic, technological, political and environmental factors. In the 1970s, the engineering community started to ceremoniously address the mounting problem of poverty. Market-oriented development buttressed the issue of poverty eradication by " just not only planning and designing technologies ‘suitable ‘ to the downtrodden but also planning and designing technologies for the people in poor locality, which can themselves consider it proper and employ the same to promote their own interests. An understanding of the dynamics of the local culture is needed to develop products that can usher more income (Lewis et al 2010:252). This research essay will mainly focus on how the impact of engineering on poverty can be evaluated by focusing the impact of engineering on the dimension of poverty. This research essay will also discuss how can features of engineering will assist in relieving poverty across the globe. Further, it will discuss how engineering through infrastructure projects help the different communities which are in crises, and how they return to normal

Saturday, February 8, 2020

International Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

International Management - Essay Example Living for long in the same geography they share vast similarities. The challenges that this kind of complex countries present are both relevant to ongoing companies as well as for MNCs trying to enter these markets. When making a debut into one market, and preparing an entry strategy firms need to consider very much the national culture of the company, to evaluate whether the culture will help the business to flourish or whether the cultural norms will act as hindrance to the business and profitability. Any cultural theory is based on the assumption that there is no universal method of management theory. And in this global world, doing business in other countries require knowledge and empathy with the locals of the country, hence it is important to understand and be aware of the cultural differences when handling or dealing with cross cultural groups or individuals. Geert Hofstede has described five dimensions of differences in values between national cultures. The five dimensions of Geert Hofstede are Power Distance, Individualism versus Collectivism, Masculinity versus Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Long-term versus Short-term orientation. The dimension, Power Distance tries to suggest the degree of inequality amongst the different members in a given culture. On a scale the dimension ranges from small to large. In cultures where Power Distance is small, members of the society relate to each other on a more equal level regardless of the status or authority of the people in consideration. Whereas, in large Power Distance situations, there is more formality in interaction amongst people. According to Hofstede, Pakistan has a score of 55 on the cultural scale; which compared to other regional countries is relatively low. It shows that Pakistan is somewhat in the middle and does not have a very large gap between the wealthy and the poor people in the country. But, still it does not strongly believe in the